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Ñàíêò-Ïåòåðáóðã, Äàëüíåâîñòî÷íûé ïðîñïåêò, ä.18 (2 ýòàæ)
Òåë/Ôàêñ: (812) 406-85-25, (812) 400-67-86
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âñ ñ 9.00-17.00, áåç îáåäà
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Òåë/Ôàêñ: (812) 406-85-25, (812) 400-67-86
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Who are we? OUR MISSION
The company "Gidrosnab" works in the North-West market since 1998 as the largest supplier of pumps and boilers. During this time we have gained extensive experience in the water supply, heating and sewage, as in the home area, and in industry. We have won the trust and respect of our business partners and customers. Today "Gidrosnab" means a yearly turnover growth and business partnerships in many regions of Russia.
We work to help you sort through a huge stream of information, to help you to find the equipment that will fully meet your objective. We want your life to be comfortable, and communication with our company always would be a pleasure for you!
12 reasons to become our regular customer
- direct supplies from manufacturers;
- all goods are certified;
- well-known international and domestic brands
- pumps of the domestic and industrial series
- the component parts;
- boilers for all types of fuel;
- products in different price categories;
- (NEW!) heat pumps;
- the pumps «Jeelex» (Russia), Pedrollo, Grundfos: drainage, borehole pump stations, sewage installations
- «EVAN» (Russia): electric boilers, water heaters, solid fuel boilers
- plastic water tanks and diesel fuel tanks up to 2 tons
- hydraulic tanks from 24 to 500 liters
- Warranty and post-warranty repair
- of pumps Jeelex, Pedrollo, DAB, Espa, Zenit, Speroni
- of electric boilers EVAN, Severyanin
- of engine-driven pumps Robin
- parts deliver
- guaranteed on-time delivery
- credit maximum for each client individually
- delay of payment
- providing samples and materials for promotio
- «GOLD» cart regular purchaser (price 3000 Rubles), discount up to 20% at the time of purchase and in the future
- accumulative client card in the shops «Gidrosnab Market
- qualified equipment selection
- wide assortment
- up-market items
- work on Friday to 23:0
- modern convenient payment methods
- on-line consulting service
- rapid statement of requirements
- assembly diagrams
- specialties and offers
- discount if you order in the online sho
- mounting, accessing, commissioning and start-up of: pumps, heaters, radiators, under floor heating systems, hot water supplying systems, water purification systems, on a turnkey basis, external sewage systems
- hole cutting
- pipeline construction
- electrical installation wor
Equipment for:
- high-pressure cleaning
- sweeping the dangerous dust on the factory floor
- pumping polluted and heavily polluted waters
- pumping normal and viscous liquids in household use and industry
For your employees (groups from 3 to 10 persons):
- coffee breaks
- hand-out
- retreats
- certification
- showcas
- own car fleet (for the delivery of plastic tanks up to 2 tons)
- without delay, rapidly
- to other regions according to tariff of the transport company
- possibility of self-delivery from a warehouse and shops in the city